Our Mission Statement
The mission of the Mid-Michigan Insurance Agency of Mt. Pleasant, Inc., is to maintain a profitable enterprise, committed to our customers with the highest degree of reliability and integrity.
In pursuit of this mission, we acknowledge the importance of relationships we establish with the companies we represent, the customers whom we serve, and the people with whom we work.
As the image of this Agency and the achievement of our mission is governed by our actions as well as our attitudes, we are here by bound:
- To understand that serving our customers is Priority One.
Our business exists only as a result of their patronage. - To recognize that as intermediaries, we have a responsibility to the companies we represent. A trust exists when the companies empower us with the ability to bind them to accepting risk. We have a legal as well as a moral obligation to conduct our transactions as if it were our resources at risk.
- To remember that the people who work within the agency are more than just “employee”. We acknowledge each other as unique individuals who for a period of time each day have offered to assist the agency in the conduct of its business. We communicate with each other with the respect and dignity we demand for ourselves. The agency is committed to provide the best environment possible in which we can all grow and develop, each seeking to reach our own definition of achievement.
It is through these philosophies that we desire to accomplish our mission; and in doing so, we set ourselves above the rest as we become known for our display of pride through professionals.